"Despite fears of misrepresentation, judgment, or reprisal, black girls have recorded their own impressions, thoughts, opinions, or perspectives; too often, though, our culture has failed to listen to them." Farah Jasmine Griffin
"[T]hey were described by teachers as needing to act like young ladies." Edward Morris
The scholarly network established by LaKisha Simmons
"In the age of school mandates and scripted programs, school spaces often do not reflect the academic and socio-emotional needs of Black girls." Delicia Tiera Greene, Ph.D.
"What do we want children to know and be able to do when they graduate from high school? How can we organize communities to ensure that all students reach these stated learning goals?" Roger P. Weissberg and Jason Cascarino
"The broader definition of school success has also been influenced by economists and others who focused on adult outcomes." Osher et al.
"As we move into positions of elders, we must ask ourselves what kind of elders we want to be?" Crunk Feminist Collective
"Maybe instead of being impressed that blackgirls can withstand so much suffering and become role models for strength, we should be concerned about their emotional wellness, their vulnerability, their humanity." Crunk Feminist Collective