Let's Panic about Online Learning: ESL Resources by Maria Velazquez

Wow, it has BEEN a MINUTE on these Covid streets!

I’m tentatively starting a new series here on MRAL. In it, I want to organize for myself and others the plethora of online resources that we’re all going to need if we want to be social justice-minded teachers online. We’ll see how it goes.

First up: ESL Resources.

  • BBC: Learning English

    BBC World offers this resource as a clearinghouse for multimedia related to teaching ELL students across the world. These resources include audio, video, and text sources, and range from the basics of grammar to structured courses. I think the English We Speak and Six Minute English would be great resources for a Google Classroom.

  • Self-Study Grammar Quizzes

    This offers a bunch of quizzes the student can take at home to check fluency and grammar.

  • LearnThatWord

    This is another study-guide/self-paced quizzer that helps develop vocabulary.

  • Duolingo Podcasts

    Duolingo offers 3 different podcasts. You’ll see that the English is designed for students learning Spanish and the Spanish is designed for students learning English.

  • Randall’s Cyber Listening Lab

    Each video on Randall’s playlist has linked activities, and an interesting hook.

  • Starfall

    Designed for the pre-K-3 learner, this site is super adorable and has literacy tools for many types of students.


    Featuring short excerpts from beloved books both new and old, this site offers both audio and visual resources, as well as short quizzes.

  • Journal Buddies

    If you want to increase a sense of classroom community (and yes, it’s possible to do this in a virtual classroom), try having students answer these journal prompts in the chat box of your Zoom or Google Meets.

Sound Elements by Maria Velazquez

Free music for podcasts and other digital projects http://freemusicarchive.org/

BBC Sound Effects Library http://bbcsfx.acropolis.org.uk/

NASA Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/nasa 

Classical music samples http://www.philharmonia.co.uk/explore/sound_samples

Groove sample kit https://groove.de/2012/12/10/download-exclusive-mike-huckaby-sample-kit/

Drumkit created from a spacecraft facility http://cdm.link/2016/03/get-a-free-sampled-drum-kit-made-in-a-spacecraft-test-facility/

Sounds from Space http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Sounds_from_space

Legowelt Mixers http://legowelt.org/software/

Legowelt Samples https://awolfe.home.xs4all.nl/samples.html

GameBoy Drum Kit https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2015/04/08/game-boy-drum-kit/ 

Wavy Audio https://wavy.audio/

Ground Your Sound https://theproaudiofiles.com/free-sample-pack/

Jazzy vocal ad-libs https://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/sampleradar-327-free-vocal-ad-lib-samples-564055

More jazz samples https://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/sampleradar-466-free-jazz-club-samples-291818


Resources for Discourse Analysis by Maria Velazquez

Foss, Susan. "Invitational Rhetoric." Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. The whole encyclopedia is available as an ebook for OSU students here.

Foss, Susan. "A Definition of Rhetoric."

Audrey M. Kleinsasser. "Researchers, Reflexivity, and Good Data: Writing to Unlearn" Theory Into Practice 39:3 (2010) 155-162

Woods, Carly S., "(Im)mobile Metaphors: Toward an Intersectional Rhetorical History" (2012). Papers in Communication Studies. 42. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/commstudiespapers/42


Announcement: National Fellowship Program at UVa.'s Jefferson Scholar Foundation by Maria Velazquez

The Jefferson Scholars Foundation’s National Fellowship Program supports outstanding scholars at top institutions across the country who are completing dissertations that: employ history to shed light on American politics and public policy, examine the intersection of technology and democracy, study the impact of global affairs on the United States, media and politics, and/or examine the role of the presidency in shaping American political development. In addition to providing a one-year stipend, the Foundation assists the Fellow in choosing a senior scholar from their field to serve as a mentor. National Fellows are invited to attend two annual conferences that frame the year of Fellowship, one in the fall and the second in the spring. Both conferences are held at the Jefferson Scholars Foundation. Residency at the University of Virginia is not required as part of the Fellowship, though Fellows are welcome to consider the option.

Announcements: Elihu Root Peace Fund Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women's and Gender Studies by Maria Velazquez

The Women’s and Gender Studies Department at Hamilton College invites applications for the 2018-2019 Elihu Root Peace Fund Postdoctoral Fellowship in Women’s and Gender Studies. Applicants should have completed all requirements for the PhD within the last three years. Area of specialization is open, though preference will be given to candidates with research and teaching experience in the following areas: sexuality studies/queer studies, critical race feminisms, and indigenous feminisms. Teaching load is three courses for the year.  The position comes with funding to support research.